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Rude Boy//Rude Girl





For those of you that have been obsessing over the movie and TV show "This is England," just like you we have been obsessing over the revival of the Rude Girl fashion portrayed through Fred Perry logos and Chelsea haircuts. For our winter shoot, we decided to incorporate the Rude Girl fashion we loved in the show. 

    For this shoot, ETC decided to feature the seasonal trend of black and white in this style with signature pieces like a polo and Mary Jane Dr. Martens. From the two tone music scene, black and white has been a common color scheme for a Rude Girl's closet. With fashion icons like Pauline Black from the band "The Selecter," we decided to play off the two tone of this ska music scene. A Rude Girls fashion portrays an edgy, dangerous style that goes against the mainstream.



For our men's Rude Boy fashion we took signature pieces like "The Specials" edition Fred Perry and black and white checkered socks for key items in the men's style. In reference to the Fred Perry, "The Specials" Ska music is influenced by Jamaican reggae and British punk, which then heavily inspired their own fashion and music style for Skinheads and Rude Boys alike. They enjoy the preppy-put-together look the Jamaicans were portraying and incorporated it into their style. We incorporated Skinhead fashion with Rude Boy by using a black and white bottom half and a red gingham Ben Sherman.

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